Learn Excel Basic to advance course in Hindi
About This Course
This course covers everything you need to crack Excel in the professional work place.
Below are the Excel course contents of this complete and concise course on Microsoft Excel:
- Introduction – In this video, the structure and contents of the course are discussed.
- Mathematical Functions – This lecture covers Mathematical formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE,RAND, MIN & MAX, SUMPRODUCT.
- Textual Formulas – This Excel lecture covers Textual formulas such as TRIM, CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, UPPER & LOWER, LENGTH, LEFT, RIGHT & MID
- Logical Formulas – This lecture covers Logical formulas such as AND & OR, IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF
- Date-time (Temporal) Formulas – This lecture covers Date-time related functions such as TODAY & NOW, DAY, MONTH & YEAR, DATEDIF & DAYS
- Lookup Formulas – This Excel lecture covers Lookup formulas such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH
- Data Tools – This lecture covers Data operating tools such as Data Sorting and Filtering, Data validation, Removing duplicates, Importing Data (Text-to-columns)
- Formatting data and tables – This Excel lecture covers data formatting options such as coloring, changing font, alignments and table formatting options such as adding borders, having highlighted table headers, banded rows etc.
- Pivot Tables – This Excel lecture covers Pivot tables end-to-end.
- Charts – This Excel lecture covers charts such as, Bar/ Column chart, Line Chart, Scatter Plot, Pie & Doughnut charts, Statistical Chart – Histogram, Waterfall, Sparklines
- Excel Shortcuts – This lecture will introduce you to some important shortcuts and teach you how to find out the shortcut for any particular excel operation.
- Analytics in Excel – This Excel lecture covers the data analytics options available in Excel such as Regression, Solving linear programming problem (Minimization or Maximization problems), What-if (Goal Seek and Scenario Manager)
- Macros – This lecture covers the process of recording a Macro, running a Macro and creating a button to run a Macro.
- Bonus Lectures – Waterfall chart in Excel 2016 and previous versions of Excel, Infographics 1: Cool charts, Infographics 2: Cool charts
- And so much more!
By the end of this course, your confidence in using Excel will soar. You’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel for study or as a career opportunity.
Learning Objectives
Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 from Basic to Advance Level
All Excel Exercise Files Included
Real Life Problems, Practical Approach instead of Theory
Impress Your Boss: Unleash Dynamic Formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, and More
Establish a Solid Foundation for Microsoft Excel
Unlock Dynamic Reporting: Master PivotTables, One of the Most Popular Tools for Creating Powerful Reports
Target Audience
- Everyone who wants to learn or Enhance their EXCEL SKILLS
68 Lessons